Progressive Agriculture Foundation Safety Coordinator Spotlight: Amio Mavaega-Luvu


Danger knows no borders, but safety doesn't either. Since 2006, Amio Mavaega-Luvu has brought youth safety training to communities across American Samoa by hosting Progressive Agriculture Safety Days (PAF Safety Days) 73 times.

Amio's involvement with the Progressive Agriculture Foundation (PAF) started when she met Bernard and Susan Rice during a National Institute for Farm Safety Conference. The ensuing conversation led her to attend her first PAF Coordinator training, which set the stage for her impactful involvement. Amio continues to host multiple PAF Safety Days annually across America Samoa, including five in 2024.

"I do this because I love our children. [...] The well-being of our people is our priority and a group effort!" Amio expressed. Amio's PAF Safety Days work together with local government departments, such as the Department of Education and the American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency, to provide programming to schools and the community. Her dedication stems from a deep-rooted desire to educate and safeguard the young generation of American Samoa and their families, a mission that resonates with the entire community.

American Samoa is comprised of five islands and two atolls and sits between Hawaii and New Zealand. Significant industries include tuna canning and tourism, but agriculture on the islands remains essential in making the territory self-sufficient with its domestic farms and gardens. With a communal focus on improving agriculture, it is also imperative that safety education continues for the next generation.

Amio emphasizes the importance of PAF Safety Days at American Samoa Community College (ASCC). ASCC's mission statement is "To serve American Samoa's diverse community by providing research, extension and educational programs and services in agriculture, natural resources and wellness, enhancing the quality of life and fragile ecosystem while honoring the Fa'aSamoa (the Samoan way)." According to Amio, PAF's Safety Day curriculum and ASCC "go hand in hand."

At the end of each PAF Safety Day, Amio brings everyone back together to reflect and answer questions from participants. Amio states, "You will be amazed to see the excitement on their faces sharing their experiences. You will be surprised to find out it is their first time learning some of the safety issues discussed in their session."

Amio offers a resounding endorsement to organizations considering partnering with PAF. The wealth of educational resources and the opportunity to make a tangible difference in communities make it an invaluable collaboration. "PAF is a great organization to work with!" Amio exclaimed.

Amio's story is a powerful testament to the impact of volunteerism and community engagement. Her dedication to safety education is not only admirable, it's transformative. Her work is a source of inspiration, showing us how to make our communities across North America and the Oceania regions safer and stronger.

One person can make a significant difference in the world, as Amio Mavaega-Luvu has demonstrated. As we honor Amio, who continues to dedicate her time and effort to making the world a better place, we ask that you also recognize leaders in your own communities.